Here are the Facts:
Honey in its very nature can be used as natural medicine.
Here are a few instances of how honey can and is used as medicine everywhere in the world.
Honeybee glucose oxidase
The name sounds scary however the research into Glucose oxidase proves there is extensive health benefits for honey lovers! When flower nectar is collected and brought back to the hive for food, the bees change the structure of the honey to preserve it. In this process, sugar is oxidized into gluconic acid which in turn breaks down into hydrogen peroxide.
Antibacterial and antifungal properties
Honey has antimicrobial properties that inhibit growth of bacteria and fungal spores. The antibacterial effect of honey is attributed to the presence of inert compounds. These factors also include its acidic pH, production of hydrogen peroxide and contains flavonoids, phenolic acids, and lysozyme.
Honey Promotes Burn and Wound Healing
Honey acts as a bactericidal negotiator, penetrates in biofilms(secretion of bacterial cells), recovers aggressive infection, and eradicates colonies of bacteria. Production of hydrogen peroxide begins when honey contacts the wound. Honey has been used widely for the treatment of various types of chronic, burn, necrotic, diabetic foot and postoperative split skin wounds.
Help for digestive issues
It has been reported that phenolic acids and flavonoids such as chrysin, quercetin, and galangin are able to suppress the activity of proinflammatory enzymes, reducing inflammatory cells . It has been demonstrated that in inflammatory response hydrogen peroxide production by honey stimulates the growth of fibroblasts and epithelial cells to repair the inflammatory damage.
Honey for antiviral and Coughs in Children
NICE and PHE found evidence from 3 randomised controlled trials, all of which looked at using honey in children and young people. In both comparisons, children given honey coughed less often and had less severe coughs compared with those given no treatment.
Honey effective as anticancer
Evidence is growing that honey may have the potential to be anticancer agent through several mechanisms. Some studies have shown that honey has anticancer effect through its interference of multiple cell-signaling pathways, such as inducing apoptosis, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and antimutagenic pathways.

Honey Is Better Than Sugar for Diabetics
Honey supplementation shows its modulatory effects on oxidative stress and hyperglycemia(high blood sugar). Honey's antioxidant activity to ameliorate(make better) diabetes is well established​.
Diabetics Welcome
This information should be taken into consideration, however, will NOT accept responsibility for anyones eating habits and you should consult with your doctor before making changes to your lifestyle.
Over-eating is one of the most common un-talked about problems in our culture today. Hopefully after reading this material you can more accurately make healthy eating habits. No one enjoys limitations, but being informed leads to better decisions overall.
What is honey made of?
Raw (uncooked) honey straight from the hive is mostly made of fruit sugar (fructose) and plant starch (Glucose) has many vitamins (0.2%), enzymes, keytones', proteins (0.5%) and 26 free amino acids that promote a healthy metabolism.
Don't Believe in
a Myth!
The use of the simple sugar fructose is often recommended to sweeten the diet of diabetics due to its significantly lower Glycemic Index. The trouble is, fructose is absorbed differently than other sugars. It is not utilized for energy like glucose, but stored in the liver as triglycerides. This presents a great metabolism burden on the liver and can eventually lead to major health issues related to obesity and further health damages for diabetics. Sadly, in their quest to avoid sugar in foods, many diabetics miss the point when they start to plan their diet around "fructose fruit sugar", "diabetic birthday cake", "NutraSweet ice-cream", "sugar-free candies", etc, which all contain corn syrup or artificial sweeteners that can be potentially even more harmful than regular sugar when consumed in the long term.
Articles from Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM are provided here courtesy of Hindawi Limited
All information above belongs to the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology